Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Gratitude Time! {Take Two}

  1. HOPE.
  2. Sirryha Hope {her middle name given to her has more meaning to me now than ever : )}
  3. Leaders who know how to be STATESMEN/WOMEN. GRACIOUS, not gratuitous. FULL OF CONVICTION, not anger. FEARLESS not fearmongers.
  4. Standing in line with a hundred others waiting for my turn to vote and noticing the man directly in front of me and woman directly behind me were NOT born and raised here (evidenced by their accents and our conversations) - and as we progressed into the open area of the room, happily observing the true "melting pot" of people who turned up at our local Fire Department TO ROCK THE VOTE.
  5. Our local ALL VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT and the nice couple who chatted with me about how that works, logistically. (They don't sleep there like Johnny Gage on Emergency One! -but anywhere from 14 to 30 volunteers respond to every call!)
  6. My Grandmother who was the first female councilwoman in her hometown back in the 70's - who took us to the polls with her and taught us to ALWAYS VOTE!
  7. The convenience of CELL phones and texting - so I could chat with my sisters & hubby during the day about their experiences at the voting booth. (Lisa waited 45 minutes in Murrysville, PA - was 997 of 4000 in her district; Jackie waited behind ONE OTHER PERSON at 2pm today in West Chester, PA; I waited about an hour after work tonight and Rob waited about an hour and 15 minutes at noon time.)
  8. My European friends at work and our local pizza shop who though they do not yet have the right to vote -- still engage in conversations about the election issues and asked "did you vote today?"
  9. New artwork at Starbucks today - eye candy to go with the return of the HOLIDAY CUPS. (Ok--it is TOO soon for CHRISTMAS but at least they waited 'til HALLOWEEN was over!)
  10. Hardly ANY junk mail in the mailbox today!
  11. The nice people who always let me "cut in front of them" when I am waiting to pull out of my neighborhood into the morning traffic.
  12. Beautiful colors of the fall leaves this season.
  13. Rob noticing and mentioning the leaves, too, on a recent drive.
  14. Sirryha wanting to stop and pick up the pretty leaves (as well as the fun crunchy dried, brown ones--always one for each hand!)
  15. OPI packaging MINI bottles of nail polish (in packs of 4 for only a dollar more than the price of a full-size bottle!)
  16. Our digital camera which appeals to my need for INSTANT Gratification!
  17. Lots of clean socks and underwear in our dresser drawers!
  18. Noticing that the kitchen clock hasn't "fallen back" yet so I have more time before lights out!
  19. Unearthing two Vanity Fair magazines I had forgotten my cousin gave to me when we were together last!
  20. Facebook FLAIR (why do I love this so much?!?!) and a growing collection of buttons/pins on my inspiration bulletion board IRL, too!

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