Sunday, April 01, 2007

Week 8 - Art Journal - Deck of Me

Week 8's prompt was "who or what do you miss?"

As Spring nears...and my need to simplify my cluttered life has me "ruthlessly editing" that which I hoard...I keep coming back to the PILES of magazines I have accumulated over the years. Alas, there are some I just CANNOT toss out. Among back issues of VICTORIA Magazine....which has been out of publication for several years now. And I still really miss it. I still find inspiration and beauty in any issue I could the Hearst Publishing folks cancel this magazine ??? I should start a grassroots effort to bring it back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a thoughtful prompt - it's not something I can answer just like that, so I'll have to let that simmer for a while.

I can tell you that I too miss Victoria (my collection takes up a full bookshelf) and there are many of us that wish it would be brought back to life. There is a group on yahoo that have found each other and are keeping the spirit of Victoria alive. Drop by anytime - you may be pleasantly surprised.