Saturday, May 17, 2008

On an unrelated note....

Looking through some photos for my inspiration board.....I want pretty much everything in the Tracy Porter catalog....and Anthropologie.

But it ain't in the budget.

So I have this trick...where I pull out pages from magazines or catalogues and stick them on my bulletin board. Eventually I will get tired of looking at them....

...but I really really want this lamp. And these sheets!


Anonymous said...

I am so the same way. I love ANthropologie, but I maybe could afford one fancy door knob:) Thats about it. But the catalog is so full of inspiration:) It's so much fun to daydream shop:) Great post.

Jilliene Designs said...

hey girlfriend - i'm with you. i have the hardest time walking away from the things I "must have". I love that lamp! My new game is If I sell something I've made, I'm not using or don't need, then I can use that money to buy something I must have. It helps me clean out my garage - it is a great way to recycle and I can buy guilt free! :D

Anonymous said...

so thanks alot... i've spent 3 hours looking at tracy porters web page. i love her little videos with her failing hands and all. thanks for the link sister.


Shani said...

i meant flailing!