Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oh, Fer Cute!

Saw a tutorial on doll bedding yesterday and HAD.TO.MAKE.THESE.FOR.SIRRYHA! Lisey--recognize the fabrics? How perfect are these PILLOWS? weee! I have been wanting to get a proper doll bed for Sirryha .... but she hasn't really shown much interest in her baby dolls (would rather tend to her doggies.) : ) Lately, though, she is all about "naptime" so these are just right.
(and who says doggies can't sleep in a bed with pillows and a cover?)

Now off to bed for me....Monday morning will be arriving all too soon...

1 comment:

Cameron said...

FOR CUTE FOR SURE!! Adorable and darling. And I love the idea of the doggies sleeping in it. :)