Monday, January 22, 2007

Week 3 - Art Journal - "I am..."

This week's prompt was "I am..." Oh dear. Not my forte--declarative statements about me. I am all over the place. I am at loose ends. I am behind in my "to do" lists. I am not feeling as creative as I'd like to be lately. I am worried about my mom's health. I am happy Rob is excited about his new job. I am learning to live my life as a statement, not a question. I believe I am a late bloomer. I am a work in progress. Yeah, I think "I am a work in progress" pretty much covers it all.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Week 2 - of Art Journal Journey

Posting my first two cards together...sorry the scan is a bit "light" - the colors are much more vibrant than this pic shows.... ANYWAY... the first prompt was "what are you proud of" - I listed a few things I accomplished the first week of this new year....getting involved in new art challenges among them!
This week's prompt is "what is powerful to you?" I immediately thought of a scrapbook LO I saw recently, with words listed - positive ones, and negative ones with a red strikethru....a visual reminder about the strength of words....and it has stayed with me.

My journaling on the back of the card reads:

"What is powerful to you?

WORDS. They have the power to heal or hurt...

to lift up or to tear down...

to embrace or to divide...

to teach or to torment.

Words are powerful.

Use them wisely."

It's a lesson I have yet to master---this prompt will help me be mindful of its importance to me.

EDIT: retitling this for you Aimee, sorry I confused you! Swirls!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Chicks Rule!

How cute is this site? (Aimee...thanks...found this on your blog!)....


Friday, January 12, 2007


Oh I am so excited for this one!! Niki and Aimee---you gotta play along with me! Check out this challenge....

Off to TARGET to find a cool deck of this idea!!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Ali Edwards eZine little word

Ali Edwards' eZine challenge this week is to choose "one little word" to serve as a mantra of sorts for the year. Ali started this last year (I believe her word for 2006 was Play) and used her word as a focal point, something to meditate on and reflect upon as she went through her days...what a perfect tradition to start.

And so, I, too, am accepting the challenge. It wasn't hard to decide on a word, as it is one I have tried to keep in mind for quite some time.

My word is Grace.

I want this in my life, I need this in my life, and I want it to be something that is integral to who I am....when I am long gone, I would love for this to be one of the words used to describe me. Having said that...I know it is a lofty goal - as it isn't exactly my nature to be full of Grace (or graceful....but that's a whole other story!)...but I am working on that!

This stone in the photo is etched with the word Grace and sits atop my jewel chest...right where I will see it every morning as I get dressed. I put it there long ago to remind me that I need to focus on this word to make it part of me. More often than not, it is buried under the"stuff" that accumulates on my jewelry box...but then I unearth it again and dust it off and place it back where I will see it again each day. It strays from my mind most days almost immediately....but I am working on that.

And so....thank you, Ali, for inspiring us to play, and create, and ponder, and think for ourselves, and tell our stories, and to live with intention and Grace.

Peace & Grace.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Crazy Cool

How amazing is this?

Came across a reference to this in the current issue of Legacy...

New York artist John Evans created a collage EVERY DAY from 1964 through 2000.

(and I stalled on my Christmas Journal after about 20 days!)

more on the book of his works at this link: (also available on Amazon)

One moment please...

Playing around with the blog....
want something fresh for the new year.....

In the meantime...enjoy a cup of tea on me.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year!

GOOD NEWS!! CATHY Z IS BACK TO BLOGGING!! YEAHHH - I have missed her.... (

And once again I am BEHIND in my Shimelle journal.....somehow my email was not receiving my daily prompts....fixed that and now I have to catch up!!

And I MISSED OUT ON ORDERING THE JANUARY COCOA DAISY kit! sold out!! dang it! Hoping the reorder is QUICK.

Trying to figure out the new BLOGGER....wish I had an IT guru to make my blog all my next life I want to be a SCRAP CELEB! Speaking of which...what happened to Elsie and the CK magazine? and where is her new PRODUCT????????

Signed...still impatient.